Parents and Communities Together is a community-led social support project looking after families who were not online when Lockdown started.

This campaign from PACT  collects insights into families’ situations through one-to-one telephone calls carried out by our team of ‘Action Researchers’. 

Action Researchers are trained members of our community that have used a prepared questionnaire to guide their conversations. The case studies shared here are from follow-up conversations and to respect the privacy of the families that have participated in interviews, we have changed their names.

Overcoming Barriers To Independence -  Bunmi's story

My aim is to learn, so I can improve my rights and support my children. If I gain my independence, I will be as happy as a new-born baby.”

Bunmi heard about PACT through word of mouth. She became a regular, attending Mum’s groups such as the weekly Family Food Club, where parents learn cooking sessions; sharing healthy recipes and eat together with other families in the community.

With the introduction of Lockdown , these face-to-face group activities were moved online. Bunmi was no longer able to access this support during this isolated period. 

Here is  a selection of three case studies PACT has put together from this time  - telling the story of how they reached out to residents who were offline.