HEAR, established in 2016 as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), is a network of equalities and human rights organisations, of London charities, voluntary organisations, community groups, grass roots campaigners, community activists and 'experts by experience', working for equality, human rights, and social justice, and against discrimination and prejudice.
Its creation came in 2004, from an informal London network, of voluntary and community organisations, coming together voluntarily.
HEAR’s mission and values of promoting equality, inclusivity and respect for human rights enables grass-root organisations and individuals, with lived experience, to share platforms and spaces to have their voices, campaigns and priorities heard by decision makers at an equal level.
It works across all equality strands and protected characteristics, with a focus on inclusivity, intersectionality and pan-equality.
HEAR particularly champions, and encourages leadership and recognition, of smaller grassroots and user-led groups and the value of lived experience.